Future features
Object Storage Swift API related functionality
Wishlist for JOSS separate from Object Storage functionality
- Content-sniffing; make content-sniffing (as opposed to file extension matching) a part of JOSS
- Persistable in-memory Object Store; useful if a server is running on in-memory object store and wants to persist its state after a server restart
- Method for asking whether an object's metadata has been read
- Added support for large objects with static manifests: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/swift/misc.html#module-swift.common.middleware.slo
- Support for the OPTIONS verb: Clients can use the OPTIONS verb as defined in http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec9.html
- Added support for CORS requests: http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/
- Bulk requests
- Added support for auto-extracting archive uploads: A client can upload an archive file (ie a .tar file) and the contents will be stored individually in the cluster
- Added support for bulk deletes: A client can delete many objects with one delete request
- Support for multi-range requests: Clients can request multiple ranges from an object with just one request
- Quotas
- Added user-managed container quotas
- Added support for account-level quotas (managed by an auth reseller)
- Swift now returns 406 if it cannot satisfy the Accept header